Monday, 12 August 2013

The Sulphite Connection - Identify "hidden" sulphites on labelling!

Sulphite Awareness Month - post 2.
The Sulphite Connection - Identify "hidden" sulphites on labelling!
The Sulphite Awareness Month - everything is free for the month of AUGUST 2013!

Discover how to identify hidden and undeclared sulphites on labelling. You will discover the key foods that contain undeclared sulphites and learn why this happens.

Hope you enjoyed the video. Be sure to leave your comments below I love reading your opinions.

REMEMBER - share with your friends!

To living a healthy life.

Paul Barratt-Hassett
Author of The Sulphite Connection. A Hidden Pandemic Revealed! Finally, an answer to why we are sick.


  1. Trying to eat healthy foods is like navigating a mine field!!! I feel so disheartened, we have been on the RPA elimination diet for over a year now with some improvement but now I understand why its not foolproof. Is there a list of foods free of sulphites available?

    1. Thanks for posting Christine. You are NOT alone on that problem. In fact I hear ALL the time how people are finding it very difficult to find any food in our current market that is worth eating. Choices are limited particularly if you want GMO free, sulphites free etc.

      In short my book covers in detail what NOT to eat and what foods contain sulphites. Ideally you have to cook your own meals from scratch. Many recipes from Jamie Oliver are generally pretty OK.

      For the last 2 years I have been developing my own food range, specifically aimed at comfort foods 4 FAT loss. I have just finished writing my new book and have developed a range of comfort foods like chocolate cake, pasta, cookies etc that are lupin based foods. Lupin is a high fibre, high protein and LOW GI superfood that were consumed by Romans in the Roman Empire – this is true! We are bringing them back to life.

      We are still about 6 months off, we are working with growers, millers and manufactures as we speak and will launch them soon. In the mean time just keep researching, you will find a way. Thanks for posting.

      Paul :)

  2. Hi Paul i have been suffering for 4 years with pain ,inflammation , Fibromyalgia, herniated discs, all of a sudden my health declined with little or no answers from doctors just pills. i just found your site today.. Thank you Thankyou...Literally last nite i had a glass of wine i rarely drink and immediately my throat swelled my face swelled i had such pressure in my head i felt like i was going to pass out i looked at the wine bottle and it said contains sulfites so last nite and today i have been tying to research if i have an allergic reaction or something. I have never heard of this before so thank you for the work and research you do and thank you for the info i no longer think this is all in my head like my doctors think i will be ordering your book and following you faithfully from now on...You may have just saved my life....God Bless

  3. Hi Regina,

    Thanks for your kind words and encouragement. I am so glad you found my site, it was built for people just like you. I do want to let you know you have a lot of work in front of you getting through the mind field of hidden sulphites BUT it is possible to eat a healthy diet sulphite free and I want to let you know I am here to help in anyway I can to help you reach your goals...

    I have been told many times that I have saved lives, its nice to hear that my work is making a change in the world, it keeps me going so thank you for your encouragement. Good luck with your journey back to great health!

    Paul :)

  4. Hi Paul, I'm wondering you update the information in the book as manufacturers change their ingredients?

  5. It is no secret that I have a very deep and personal relationship with God. I have pushed and resisted that relationship this past year through all the bullshit I have had to go through living with Herpes but once again, God is bigger than my stubbornness and broke through that outbreak cold sore and all I had Genital Herpes. For me personally, hearing over and over how I am not good enough has really invaded my mind in the worst way possible. I completely shut down and I was just waking up like is this how life going to end this temporary herpes outbreak “fuck everybody with herpes if you know what I mean” but let's be honest here...It is a cowardly to say no to herbal medicine. It is fear based. And it is dishonest to what my heart wants. Don't build a wall around yourself because you are afraid of herbals made or taking a bold step especially when it's come to health issues and getting cure. So many young men/ women tell me over and over that Dr Itua is going to scam me but I give him a try to today I feel like no one will ever convince me about herbal medicine I accept Dr Itua herbal medicine because it's cure my herpes just two weeks of drinking it and i have been living for a year and months now I experience outbreak no more, You can contact him if you need his herbal medicine for any such diseases like, Herpes, Hepatitis, HIV, Epilepsy, Infertility, Love Spell,. then what's app.+2348149277967.... My advice to any sick men/women out there is simple... Be Always an open book. Be gut wrenching honest about yourself, your situation, and what you are all about. Don't hold anything back. Holding back will get you nowhere...maybe a one way ticket to lonelyville and that is NOT somewhere you want to be. So my final truth...and I'm just starting to grasp this one..

  6. Hi Paul,
    I just wanted to thank you for taking the time and energy to create your book and online materials. Like many folks in our boat, I have spent SO MUCH time, energy and money without any relief from my symptoms of exhaustion, constant bodily aching and a head that feels like it's full of sludge. There are so few resources out there that address sulphate sensitivity and I found your book so helpful! Thank you on behalf of myself and my family. It's going to be a long road ahead as I am not a good cook nor a foodie, but I am so happy to finally have a sense of what has been making me feel so crummy for so many years. Keep up the great work, Paul!

  7. P.S.- I typed "sulphate" but I meant to type "sulphite"! That brain fog hasn't quite dissipated yet ;)

  8. Hello Paul my name is Michelle, I have been sick most of my adult life. 6 years ago I was diagnosed with fibromyalgia and rheumatoid arthritis. I have tried 15 combinations or straight biologics through those six years and none of them work and I am getting sicker and sicker. I saw an immunologist about a year ago and he told me you had some pretty wild allergies. None of which were sulfites. But once I started on the allergy rabbit hole I stumbled across a sulfite allergies. First I thought I had celiac disease and then I thought I had a sugar allergy etc etc. But once I started removing sulfite-laden foods from my diet I started experiencing extreme energy no more pain I could think clearly. Recently my hair started falling out had all of these problems that weren't being addressed and we're getting worse. I also found out that probiotics are a great big No-No if you have a sulfite allergy. I am having a hard time nobody believes me I live in America where everybody eats crap I was known as the microwave Queen all of my life I ate crap all of my life now that I have stopped doing that things are finally starting to change. a year ago I had to go on disability because I could no longer work and that devastated me I'm only 50. I hope that this is the cause of all my problems and it just might be from what I'm seeing. I know I'm rambling from one to another but I have no one to talk to about this problem plus nobody believes me. I hope you are still on this site I really could use some people who understand what I am going through

  9. Hello again this is Michelle previous post. I realized that I did not list my symptoms. They are as follows over the past many years

    Severe headache nausea stomach pain vomiting diarrhea extreme fatigue muscle pain joint pain skin pain my hair is falling out I can't think straight I get bright red like a tomato I get hives, I have bladder problems I have bowel problems we won't go into because it's kind of gross. I get constant skin infections I get constant yeast infections I get constant stomach infections. I recently started getting sores on my head hence the hair falling out. I have been reduced to drinking distilled water and nothing else.

    On the days I'm lucky enough to actually not ingest any sulfites I feel more alive than I have felt in years and years. I almost feel like I took some kind of an upper with the extreme energy I feel my head is clear I have no pain all the bloating and stomach problems go away.
    I can't seem to keep that going though I keep getting sulfighted. It is in absolutely everything I've had to change my makeup my soap what clothes I wear I can't take any medications I can't take any supplements it's just ridiculous.
